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Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Northampton County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF NORTHAMPTON vs. SEVERN SWIM CLUB, INC. and any assigns or successors of SEVERN SWIM CLUB, INC. or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 20 CvD 389, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 6th day of November, 2024, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Northampton County, North Carolina, Jackson, North Carolina at 12:00 o’clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Kirby Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:
Bounded on the North by the lands of Severn Community Center, Incorporated; on the East by the lands of Margaret W. Johnson; on the South by the lands of Margaret W. Johnson; and on the West by the lands of Mrs. Jessie Spencer; BEGINNING at a stake at the Northeast corner of the lands of Mrs. Jessie Spencer; thence in a straight line in an easterly direction along the lands of Severn Community Center, Incorporated 120 feet to a stake; thence at a right angle and in a straight line in a southerly direction along the lands of Margaret W. Johnson 120 feet to a stake; thence at a right angle and in a straight line in a westerly direction along the lands of Margaret W. Johnson 120 feet to a stake in the line of the lands of Mrs. Jessie Spencer; thence at a right angle and in a straight line in a Northerly direction along the lands of Mrs. Jessie Spencer 120 feet to the point of beginning.
Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
Parcel Identification Number: 13-00592
The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability. This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.
This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause. A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required. In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Northampton County Register of Deeds.
This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.
This the 9th day of October, 2024.

Mark D. Bardill/Mark B. Bardill, Commissioner
P.O. Box 25
Trenton, NC 28585

Oct. 30 and Nov. 6, 2024